News and views from The Presentation People - Issue 01

This issue's quotation:
"The noblest search is the search for excellence"
- Lyndon B. Johnson


Welcome to Fleet Street, The Presentation People's online newsletter. To return to The Presentation People website, simply click on the Home or Tips & Tricks buttons below.

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In this issue:


Virus hoaxes
Virus or hoax? Check the validity of virus alerts and save time and stress.

Cost effective online conference registration.

Fiji Visitors Bureau
Fiji Islands - The truly relaxing tropical getaway - A case study.

Helpful hints for the Presenter
Getting your audience's attention.

Printing black & white handouts that WORK!

Putting more POWER into PowerPoint
Special offer to our readers!!

Useful links
This issue's top 3 recommended web sites!


Virus hoaxes


It's happened to all of us at some point. You're working away on your computer when suddenly an e-mail message appears - from a trusted source - and says "virus alert - please pass this to everyone in your address book".

Take a deep breath. This could be a virus hoax.

We recently received a virus warning from a trusted source. The temper of the this e-mail suggests grave urgency and authenticity. Finding the offending .exe file in the Windows directory only confirmed it's authenticity!?

All attempts to eradicate the said virus failed and in the process, repeatedly crashed the system. Attempts to alert the entire address book (as instructed) also failed.

After much angst, it was only after contacting a colleague and guru of all things internet, Peter Thorpe of that we discovered that this was probably a hoax.

Peter suggested that we take a few minutes to check the validity of the virus alert and highly recommended we visit .

"The Vmyths site has an alphabetical listing of virus hoaxes and you can quickly check yours. It is very informative and has a clever way you can help 'send a clue' to people who constantly pass on hoaxes."

"Bookmark this site and do yourself and the contacts in your address book a service." Guess what? Our offending .exe file turned out to be an essential Windows file!

Peter Thorpe also advised: "As a general rule, never open an attachment that ends in .exe. This is the most common form of virus transmission. If you are not sure you should call your ISP."

Our advice to you. Add to your favourites - and ... breathe a sigh of relief!


Hyper-Del - Cost effective online conference registration


Recently, Sane Event Management commissioned The Presentation People to produce a self-running plasma screen presentation for their exhibition stand at AuSAE in Brisbane to promote Hyper-Del, an exciting product for conference organisers.

Hyper-Del is the most cost-effective Online Registration System available today Underwritten by Amlink Technologies, this system was Awarded "Best New Technology in the Meetings Industry" at EIBTM in 2001. This software was also used to power the World's largest congress of 65,000 delegates in South Africa 2002 as well as the "United Nations' Summit on World Economics and Sustainable Development."

Hyper-Del is guaranteed to save your organisation hours in labour, enable you to service delegates more effectively, allows you to capture data more succinctly and shaves your budget dramatically. Hyper-Del offers you the ability to SAVE UP TO 70% on the cost of entering vast amounts of data and updating delegates requirements. Hyper-Del provides a self editing environment for Delegates, as well as the ability to accept the submission of abstracts on line!

This unique On-Line Registration Service allows you 24 hour 7 day per week access to a 'Real Time' database, with fully customised lists of all participant details, including payment online! The information delegates are asked to complete on the registration page is directed by YOU - THE CUSTOMER. This may include logo's for sponsors, a conference theme logo, a free format letter from the President, speaker's papers and much more!

For further information contact: Hyper-Del - 02 9553 4820, or email on


Fiji Visitors Bureau
Fiji Islands - The truly relaxing tropical getaway - a case study


Fiji Visitors Bureau - Australian Marketing Summit Meeting 2003 - interactive CD

A client recommendation put The Presentation People in contact with Ms Ilisapeci Matatolu, the Regional Director of the Fiji Visitors Bureau.

The brief was to design and create an interactive CD of the Australian Marketing Summit Meeting 2003 held at Sanctuary Cove, Queensland and produce 60 CDs.

The brief included producing 'non editable' PowerPoint presentations and provide easy and efficient navigation links throughout the entire CD.

Ili's main desire to "wow the summit participants" came to fruition. In addition to enhancing all the speakers presentations, The Presentation People designed and created a fun, animated, self-running opener and closer set to traditional Fijian music.

"I found that our vision for setting new standards in presenting marketing information to our key interest groups matched The Presentation People's drive for excellence in every project they worked on."

Ms Ili Matatolu
Regional Director
Fiji Visitors Bureau

Fiji Visitors Bureau - Marketing Budget presentation to Fijian Minister for Tourism

With the Australian Marketing Summit interactive CD well under way, Ili Matatolu from the Fiji Visitors Bureau approached The Presentation People once again.

Ili's main aim was to summarise the marketing successes of 2002 and lay the foundations to achieve greater successes in 2003 through increased budget allocation.

The brief this time was to design and produce a speaker support presentation incorporating a 30 second TVC and a 'fresh' self-running animated opening and closing which reflected the market positioning and branding of the Fiji Visitors Bureau: "Fiji Islands - The truly relaxing tropical getaway".

Ili was so impressed with the "excellent" presentation she "was sure it will set the trend for PowerPoint in as far as our global network of offices are concerned" and nominated the production for an international design award.

The presentation was a great success with Ili achieving her main aim.


Helpful hints for the presenter


Getting your audience's attention

Whenever possible, position yourself to the left of the screen. In most western languages, people read from left to right. When you stand to the left, you will be the focal point to which their eyes constantly return as they look at your slides.

When you wish to draw the attention of your audience back to you, promote discussion, or the slide on the screen no longer relates to your talk - press B whilst in PowerPoint slide show. This will black out the screen. Press B again to return to the slide, or press enter to advance to the next slide.

Do you have any presentation questions you would like answered? If so, click here and we'll do our best to address them.


POWERpoints - printing black & white handouts THAT WORK!







Do you have any PowerPoint questions you would like answered? If so, click here and we'll do our best to address them.

How can I print legible black and white laser prints of coloured slides?

  • Point the mouse to the Menu bar.
  • Left-click on View
  • Left-click on Black and White.

    This displays how your slides will appear when printed. In this mode you can also apply greyscale textures to any onscreen element, even make certain objects "invisible" to printing. To apply greyscale textures:

    In Black and White view:

  • Left-click on an object
  • Right-click to view editing selection
  • Left-click on Black and White
  • Left-click on desired greyscale texture. The greyscale palette does not affect any of the colours in normal mode.

    Printing handouts

  • Point the mouse to the Menu bar
  • Left-click on File
  • Left-click the Print option. The Print dialog box will appear.
  • In the Print range box, indicate what pages you want to print
  • In the Copies box, select the number of copies (one is the default). If you are printing more than one copy, check Collate.
  • In the Print what box, indicate Handouts. You can select two, three, six or nine slides per page. Two slides per page shows the best slide detail. The three slides per page option includes space for notes. The six and nine slides per page makes maximum use of the space on the paper for slides.
  • Check Greyscale
  • Check Scale to fit paper
  • Check Frame slides.

    Next Fleet Street issue - learn how to produce customised workshop or conference handouts.


Useful links


Check the validity of virus alerts

Planet PDF
Everthing you wanted to know about PDF, but didn't know whom to ask.

Motivational and inspirational corner
Motivational quotes, stories, products and more


We value your feedback - if you have any comments or story ideas for our next issue - feel free to click here to contact us.

This newsletter was designed and produced by The Presentation People Ph: 0408 616 833